If Britney's not bad, she's sad—and making sure you know about it. It's really the same old, same old, right?
Before, when an incorporated, blood-sucking parental figure (Lynne) was in charge, it was all about acting out against mean ol' mom. Now that the court's have intervened and brilliantly observed that neither Lynn, ex hubby K-Fed, nor Brit herself were doing too good a job of minding Brit-Brit, the task has fallen to dad Jamie. Well, that's a big improvement.
On the surface, of course, it is.
But bubbling deep down below are the same old deeply rooted problems (like never being allowed a childhood, being used by parents for cash and prizes, user douchebag lovers, etc.), and B-B's buds assure me even though her abs are fab, her head surely isn't. It's just a quieter, legally sanctioned path to the same old...toxicity, as any fool watching her half closely these days can assess.
As soon as those who truly care about Spears stop treating her like a worldwide commodity is when the true healing begins. And that starts with Brit herself. Low self-esteem, thy name is comeback. Chill and ditch the world for a year, babe. We'd love you even more for it.